Above documentation by Teagan Ramsey, courtesy of SEVENTH Gallery. Below documentation is artist's own.
((edging)) was a solo exhibition which was shown at SEVENTH Gallery (Richmond) from 25 August – 16 September 2022. As a first reapproach to the gallery context since before Melbourne’s 2-year lockdown period, the exhibition deliberately excluded live performances, depictions of the body, digital media, and legible text. Instead, the exhibition speaks peripherally to the contact of body/screen, from the “edge”, through a selection of works which serve as both records and scores of performance actions and their capture as images. These artworks were curated as themselves a choreography of queer acts, following a script set in place within the exhibition statement (dispersed below in its original 8-line form).

((edging)) is an exhibition of gathered ephemera, adornments, devices, tools and supports from the previous 3 years of a queer performance practice at the margins of body and interface.

((edging)) is an eroticism and excavation of the edges and latencies of the body as it is pushed, collapsed, compressed, captured, choreographed.
((edging)) is a score told from the limits of legibility.

((edging)) is a kiss of holy wounds across a stained greenscreen field: an analogue-digital surface of superimposition and transubstantiation.

((edging)) is a hollowing-out of the representational authorities of camera, code, cock, and crosshair into bodily containers.

((edging)) is a parasitic archive, an insertion of the voided frame of image-production into the orifices of the performer.

((edging)) is breeding double-agents in the complexity of unstable, leaky boundaries.

((edging)) is a precarious agency, shifting and transgressing the bounds of its predicament, telling potentials of form in a language of peripheral embodiment.